Prof. Daniel Berckmans

Professor Daniel Berckmans has a Master degree in Bio-Engineering and a Ph D on Controlling Biological Systems. He has worked at KU Leuven for 35 years as a full-professor, teaching and doing research.

He was leading a research team in real-time modelling of individual living organisms: humans and animals. He is worldwide recognized as the spiritual father of the field of Precision Livestock Farming: real-time monitoring of livestock. Since 2001, half of the research team worked on human applications: real-time monitoring in intensive care unit, stress monitoring, physical condition monitoring, etc.

He is co-author in over 300 peer reviewed scientific publications and over 400 conference papers. Since 1981 he has experience in product development, the research team has co-developed 17 products with industrial partners, which went to the world market both. He has coordinated several EU projects, the last one with a budget of 8 M€ and 20 partners in which 4 new spin-off companies were started as part of the project. Beside this, he co-started 2 spin-off companies on real-time monitoring of individuals. He is co-inventor of 20 patents. He has retired in 2017 but is still teaching for 1 day/week and is working for BioRICS 4 days/week as CTO and chairman of the board.