Gracia Brisco

Ms. Gracia Brisco joined the Secretariat of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1997.
She has led work on standardization of commercial quality standards within 1997 – 2007. As of 2008, she has led work on establishment of food safety standards in several of the most important line of work in Codex such as AMR, contaminants, pesticide residues, veterinary drugs in food and feed amongst others.
She has actively participated in the FAO/WHO provision of scientific advice for chemical hazards through the regular meetings of JECFA and JMPR as well as joint FAO/WHO expert consultations. Her work also focuses on assisting FAO and WHO with their capacity development programs in food safety in particular to strengthen Codex structures to facilitate participation in the Codex standards-setting process through the Codex Trust Fund as well as WTO/STDF Secretariat to assist in the implementation of sanitary measures related to food safety.
Due to her ample experience in international standard setting, she is the liaison officer with key partner organizations of CAC such as IAEA, IPPC, OECD and actively works with OIE within the One Health Approach in matters related to food safety of animal origin.